monologues: a wolfie perspective on a So-called life

these are my thoughts, they are not right or wrong, they are mine.

“Taking crazy things seriously is a serious waste of time.”
Kafka on the Shore
Haruki Murakami

When it comes to humanity, the reasoning is flawed. Because every person has his or her way of seeing the world. Racism and religion can blemish reasonable thinking. Yes, there is a God but what happens in the world, the good and the flawed are creations of humanity. I do not see a god’s hand in human error or mismanagement. If the roads are in ill repair you can pray until you are blue in the face but it will not be fixed if the people in charge of the roads to be fixed are corrupt or just don’t give a damn. God is not Harry Potter with a wand, if the system that humanity set in motion I believe prayer cannot fix it. Religion is not an abracadabra fix-it-all system. But religious people tend to reason otherwise, with minimal results.

Racism can be also an idiot way to perceive the world. Let’s say you live in a country where one ethnic group thinks: “Ah all people of minority group B are rich.” And minority group B thinks “All people of a certain ethnic group are inadequate and lazy.” Those types of prejudice are beyond reason and will never fix a nation, ever mind the world.

To be reasonable therefore is flawed. Most people don’t understand how the world works because of religion, racism, and one-minded upbringing. The world is a globe and to look and understand the world you need to see the whole world for what it is, not just how YOU want to see it.

I, myself have notions and blind spots in how I see the world. I too am guilty. One day when we truly can look at the world with a healthy dose of reasoning, we can start fixing real problems. In my opinion, we are not there yet. May God guide us and may we not abuse religion to ‘see’ the world, nor be blinded by race, creed and colour so that we may really make a difference in the world.

Change the world with your heart not just your outlook. “Taking crazy things seriously is a serious waste of time, Murakami said. So, be careful of the crazy and give logic and reason a chance.

Allen Wolfie Simpson 2024